Izithakazelo zakwa Miya Clan Names

Sibewu, Munja,
Mabhingcel’ ehlangeni amany’ amadod’ ebhingcel’ ezindlini,
Sikhaban’ esakhab’ uVezi ngezinyawo,
Sijekula, Msilak’ phepha,
Salakulandelw’ esilandelwa ‘zintombi kuphela,
Genu, Gogela,

20 thoughts on “Izithakazelo zakwa Miya Clan Names”

    • Siyezwa “Mabhingcel’ ehlangeni amany’ amadod’ ebhingcel’ ezindlin”. Kodwa ngazukuthi kukhona ofuna ukusitshela khona “Sikhaban’ esakhab’ uVezi ngezinyawo”, sizekele phela indaba yamawele oMiya noNdlangisa – emlandwini kuthiwani kwenzakalani?

      • From my resurch, they were twins fighting for the throne while their father was still alive. That upset our granddad , so he sent them packing . One went to the E.C nd the other went in hiding around KZN , hoping to be the first to get to the throne when their father passed .


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